No one has ever accused me of being an optimists. I am just not wired that way. I am a planner always looking to play out worst case scenarios and developing plans to deal with them. It's just what I do.
Two weeks ago, aTm vs. K-State. # minutes into the game it is 7-0. I have been known to be vocal at football games and made my displeasure known with a simple phrase, "This team sucks." A woman who has shared season tickets in out area over the last several years turns to a couple behind her and asks, "why does he even come to the games?" Of course, my gut tells me to go down there and tell her in no uncertain terms why I come. A few years ago, I would have. My wisdom and the woman who seems to follow me everywhere I go told me to check myself. SO I did, continued to watch the game and called it like I saw it. NO incident, but another loss
Fast forward to last weekend. tech scores a meaningless touchdown at the end of the game to "run up the score." We Aggies are mad. Especially the little lady that sits two rows in front of me. She, her son and husband begin to attack a couple dressed in tech gear sitting on the row in front of them. They of course cheer, when the touchdown is scored and this lovely family goes as far as to have grandpa flip off the tech couple with grandchild in lap. Classy. It is the first time in my life I felt bad for someone from tech. Believe me, I am not getting soft. As soon as we start winning again, I will be all up in everyone's business telling them about it. I have endured too much for too long not to do that. But, the lady, the lazy, I did have something to tell her.
Why do I come to the games. Because I love me team. You vote with your wallet and my wallet tells me that I love me some Aggie. Money for season tickets, gas, lodging, food, beer, scotch, scotch, scotch, and 12 seasons of this tells me that I can pretty much say as I please about this program. I pay for it and I have earned it.
Calling it like it is does not constitute as a lack of support, but a statement of fact. Just becasue I am not happy with watching a Division 1 college football tem play like the Central High School freshman D team does not mean I don't love Aggie football. It just is what it is. So lady, just remember that the next time you want to question me about my loyalty to a team I want to remind you that the pot should never call the kettle black. Besides, it has been a good three seasons since I have visibly flipped someone off anyway so SCOREBOARD GRANDMA!!!!!!
TO the weekend predictions:
aTm 31 ISU 24
Cowboys 20 Bucs 17--If the Cowboys lose this one, season over!!!
sips 45 okie lite 44. okie lite blows a 44 point 4th quarter lead thanks to Mike Gundy being a man and 41!!!
P.S. Thanks Tampa Bay for ruining the World Series for me!!!!!!!